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Mandalamat Functional Principle

Circle Generator
By giving a sinusoidal waveform to the Y input and a cosinus waveform (which is made by a 90° phaseshifter from the sinus generator output) to the X input of an oscilloscope or graphic plotter you can generate a circular rotating point on a XY coordinate system. The rotation frequency is given by the sin/cos generator. Using a high frequency this point will be visible as a circle on the oscilloscope, by using a low frequency it will be able to draw a circle on the plotter.

This circle can be formed and modulated by another signal, e.g. a triangle wave like in the scetch. This modulation signal can be synchronized with the circle generator, in our case the frequency of the triangle generator is 12 times higher than the frequency of the circle generator – with the result of stillstanding star-formed pictures.